Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How Many Seats Should My Golf Cart Have?

Before, the use of golf cart is limited to one purpose and one purpose only: To stroll around the fairways with a fellow golfer, restricting to only 2 passengers allowed on each vehicle. Other than that, these buggies are promptly being stored in their own respective parking lots, cloaked in their heavy-duty golf cart covers until the next tee off comes.


Fast forward to today, golf carts are now being credited as an all-around vehicle, built for myriad of uses such as for short-distance travel, leisure, and even as a utility car in various work areas and businesses. No wonder non-players, business owners, and even old people are opting to buy one and ride the golf cart bandwagon. Here’s a question: How to decide on buying a golf cart, in terms of seat capacity? 

To answer, having the knowledge of what will be the intended purpose is important, especially for determining the seat capacity that you’ll be requiring in a golf cart. Here are a few points to look at:    

Institute a Sense of Urgency

As said earlier, knowing the purpose for buying the golf cart is essential for determining the seat capacity you’ll be needing, so institute a sense of urgency, (e.g. “I need to get a 4-seater cart to accommodate my dogs for a quick ride to the park.”)

If you are going to use this for driving around town and attend to some quick errands or for the usual hunting trip with your buddy, then the 2-seater buggy will do the job. Some 2-seater golf carts usually have a small compartment at the back (initially to cradle golf club) can be exploited for transporting grocery items, tools, equipment and small bags, as well as for transporting machineries in the work area.

Be Practical. Know your Driving Pals

Who will be riding with you? That’s one of the basic questions you’ll need to answer in considering your buggy’s seating and even weight capacity. Remember, efficiency goes hand-in-hand with practicality. If you normally stroll around the block all by yourself, then it’s not advisable to get a 6-seater cart.

For transport services just like in most retirement homes and airports, a good 3-seater to 4-seater golf cart would suffice the need, while 6-seaters would be most appropriate for small VIP tours of large facilities such as country clubs.

Where To Go?

Knowing the proximity of common destinations or frequently-visited places will help you in deciding the number of seats your golf cart should have. Most 2-seaters have lower horsepower. Hence, performance would be limited as compared to larger carts. If you plan to use your golf cart off-trail, then it only suggests that you should go for the larger, 4 to 6-seater golf cart. 

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